Sunday, October 21, 2018


CUES TO ANGER... A very effective way of identifying and preventing anger is to understand and recognize the four cues or hints that we receive from the way our mind and body reacts in a hostile environment or at the initiation of an unfavorable external agent − Physical Cues − These are the hints our body gives us to tell that anger has started building inside us. They could be increased heart rate, rapid breathing, tensing of muscles, etc. Behavioral Cues − The way we behave with others when we are angry, or what others observe about us when we are angry such as jaw-clinching, furrowing our brow, and staring. Emotional...


SYMPTOMS OF ANGER.. External factors such as personal issues with others, debts, frustration, unfavorable situations or lack of time for self and family leads to negative thoughts. The Mental Symptoms of Anger are − Discomfort Irritation Restlessness At the same time, our body also starts responding uncontrollably to these situations by exhibiting the Physical Symptoms of Anger such as − Heart beating rapidly Muscles getting tense Sweat buds forming on forehead These mental and physical discomforts combine and lead us to exhibit aggressive behavior such as...


WHY ANGER MANAGEMENT? Chronic Anger can have many short-term and long-term ill-effects on your health, social life, and personal life too. In addition to losing friends and breaking relationships with every passing day, anger also results in a general feeling of mistrust and loss of peace. Anger affects your health Prolonged periods of angry behavior exerts tremendous stress on us, thereby sparing less time for the body to relax. That results in health-related issues like high blood pressure, diabetes, and insomnia. Anger affects your thinking Anger makes our judgment hazy and leads to misrepresentation of...


THE A-B-C-D MODEL. The A-B-C-D model, developed by Albert Ellis, is regarded worldwide as powerful therapy to overcome anger management problems. A (Activation Agent) − The situation that triggers your anger. B (Believing) − How you interpret the activating event. C (Consequences) − This is your feelings and actions in response to your belief. D (Dispute) − "Disputing" is checking with beliefs if they are realistic or just a figment of your distorted imagination. This is significant in Anger Management. Example of the A-B-C-D Model A (Activation Agent) You’re walking down...


HOW TO CONTROL ANGER....? Anger can always be kept under control; at least one can mitigate its severity by applying the following methods − Try to understand the feelings under your anger Anger often covers up other feelings such as embarrassment, insecurity, shame or guilt. In order to control your anger, you need to realize what your real feelings are. Managing cues and triggers Anger fuels the “fight or flight” defense mechanism of the body. Even if you might feel that you just get angry without warning, your body starts sending you physical signals much before that. Identifying Anger Buttons Clenching...


COMMUNICATION AND ANGER... Angry people tend to interpret things personally and jump to irrational conclusions. Improving communication skills reduces misunderstandings that lead to anger. Tips to Improve Communication Skills Here are a few tips that you can apply to improve your communication skills. Listening to Others − Listen to what others are saying rather than speaking first. Not Jumping to Conclusions − Avoid mind-reading. Give a chance to the other person to put his point-of-view clearly and comprehensively. Not Fighting Back Immediately − Keep calm and find out what the other person’s...


ANGER MANAGEMENT TIPS... Here are a few time-tested tips of anger management − Thinking before Speaking − Collect your thoughts before saying anything. Expressing Anger Calmly − State thoughts clearly without hurting others. Exercising − Spend some time doing other enjoyable physical activities. Timeouts − Some moments of silence can help you focus your thoughts. Identifying Solutions − Instead of thinking what makes you angry, try to find a resolution to the issue. Use 'I' statements − Say, "I’ve been waiting to check your presentation," instead of, "You never finish your...


ANGRY BEHAVIORS.... Analysis of Negative Emotions Many think that anger is an emotion that just starts on its own and before they realize, it spirals out of control. On the contrary, anger is a defensive mechanism. It is invoked when we feel insecure so that it gets the body ready for the "Fight or Flight" mode of survival. Paying attention to the changes anger brings in our body can give us a hint of approaching anger. Analysis of negative emotions include identifying thinking patterns that trigger and fuel anger. These include the following − Clubbing Thoughts − For example, "Nobody cares about...


ANGER MYTHS AND FACTS.... There are many widespread beliefs and myths regarding anger. Let’s deconstruct these myths and know what the facts are. Myth 1 − Venting my anger out relaxes me. Holding it in isn't healthy. Fact − There is a saying that holding on to anger is like holding on to red-hot coals in your palms. Anger should be drained out, but not by being aggressive. That will only lead to further confrontations. Myth 2 − My aggressive behavior gets me attention, respect, and obedience. Fact − Power to influence comes from understanding someone...


ANALYSIS OF ANGER... Anger, in simple words, is one's reaction to feeling threatened. It starts from discomfort and leads to irritation, and at times it aggravates to violent rage. Anger is often mistaken for aggression. Terms such as hostility, aggression, and mood swing are used almost as a substitute for Anger, however there is a thin line of difference between them. Hostility − While anger is the driving emotion, our own interpretation and judgment of situations result in Hostility. Hostility breeds and encourages Aggression. Aggression − Aggression is the behavior that has the tendency to harm people/property....

Saturday, October 20, 2018


EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION.. Communication is a way to make interaction between people. Entrepreneurs always try to improve their communication skills because it will assist them in sharing their ideas and presenting them clearly and to constantly work in a better way with their staff, team members, clients and colleagues. They understand the role of communication in entrepreneurship and they furnish themselves with some best tips to make their regular interactions effective. Having good communication skills will also help an entrepreneur at the time of project explanation, elevator pitches, presentation, training as well...


HOW TO BE A TRUE ENTREPRENEUR.... A careful decision must be made to move on to a position involving leadership. This means that, entrepreneurs should begin to inherit attributes of great leaders from now onwards. This can boost entrepreneurs to be capable of thriving in their varied roles in the organization. Set a Role Model Choose leaders whom entrepreneurs idolize most. They may be leaders of modern world or may be legendary leaders from history or maybe both. Start working by combining styles that entrepreneurs think are most suitable for them. They might include personally known mentors as well. Maintain...


CREATING A PRODUCTIVITY JOURNAL... It is always a good idea to keep a track of how much money you have spent and the time spent towards your goal, as this will help you analyze how productive you are. This will also help you examine and adjust your priorities and have a clear mindset towards your goals. Having a productivity journal is just like having a time log, you can also use a spreadsheet to create one. Your journal should include three things, which are − Activities, Time spent on each activity, and The progress or the outcome of the activity. You must maintain all the three sections...

Monday, October 15, 2018


TYPES OF ENTREPRENEURS.... Based on their working relationship with the business environment they are functioning in, various types of entrepreneurs can be found. The chief categories are these four types of entrepreneurs, i.e. Innovative entrepreneurs, Imitating Entrepreneurs, Fabian Entrepreneurs, and Drone Entrepreneurs. Let us now discuss each of them in detail. Innovative Entrepreneurs This type of an entrepreneur is more interested in introducing some new ideas into the market, organization or in the nation. They are drawn towards innovations and invest a lot of time and wealth in doing research...


ROLES OF AN ENTREPRENEUR.... Entrepreneurs fulfill the following three dominant roles − Economic Change Social Change Technological Change These are referred to as behavioral roles. All entrepreneurs have these common characteristics and decide to become an entrepreneur due to the factors or circumstances in their lives which made them think the way they do. To do their work effectively and operate a successful business, these entrepreneurs should perform certain roles. These roles are the same as the basic managerial roles. All such roles are listed out in detail as follows − FIGURE HEAD ROLE The...

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